Copyright MUAMP 2021 MUAMP.COM David French
This Circuit Python code to control a Robot Quadruped "PICO Python Dog" can be freely used and modified,
except for commercial and provided this 6 line comment remains in the code at the top of the .py file
and these 6 lines are not modified or removed.
import time
import board
import busio
import pwmio
from adafruit_motor import servo
import adafruit_icm20x
from math import asin, acos, atan, degrees, sqrt
import pulseio
import adafruit_irremote
# IR sensor
IR_PIN = board.GP9 # Pin GP9 connected to IR receiver
# IR decoder
pulsein = pulseio.PulseIn(IR_PIN, maxlen=100, idle_state=True)
decoder = adafruit_irremote.GenericDecode()
# Acc Gyro Mag test setup on i2c (1)
i2c = busio.I2C(board.GP11, board.GP10)
icm = adafruit_icm20x.ICM20948(i2c)
# AGM functions
def Acc(): # Acc +/- 10 for 90 degrees of x and y axis (wobble board +...)
Ax = icm.acceleration[0] # Gyro detects sudden movement in real time (compliance +...)
Ay = icm.acceleration[1] # Mag (compass) for up side down detection
return Ax, Ay
# Servo setup (Raspberry Pi PICO micro controller (Circuit Python) with Tower Pro MG90S servos
FL_knee = servo.Servo(pwmio.PWMOut(board.GP0, duty_cycle=0, frequency=50), min_pulse=500, max_pulse=2400)
FL_hip = servo.Servo(pwmio.PWMOut(board.GP1, duty_cycle=0, frequency=50), min_pulse=500, max_pulse=2400)
FR_knee = servo.Servo(pwmio.PWMOut(board.GP27, duty_cycle=0, frequency=50), min_pulse=500, max_pulse=2400)
FR_hip = servo.Servo(pwmio.PWMOut(board.GP26, duty_cycle=0, frequency=50), min_pulse=500, max_pulse=2400)
BL_knee = servo.Servo(pwmio.PWMOut(board.GP14, duty_cycle=0, frequency=50), min_pulse=500, max_pulse=2400)
BL_hip = servo.Servo(pwmio.PWMOut(board.GP15, duty_cycle=0, frequency=50), min_pulse=500, max_pulse=2400)
BR_knee = servo.Servo(pwmio.PWMOut(board.GP21, duty_cycle=0, frequency=50), min_pulse=500, max_pulse=2400)
BR_hip = servo.Servo(pwmio.PWMOut(board.GP20, duty_cycle=0, frequency=50), min_pulse=500, max_pulse=2400)
# servo function - converts height, slew, elevation and roll inputs to degrees of angles of servos
def servo_drive(height, slew, elev, roll):
if height > 95: height = 95
if height < 5: height = 5
if slew < -33: slew = -33
if slew > 33: slew = 33
if elev < -20: elev = -20
if elev > 20: elev = 20
if roll < -20: roll = -15
if roll > 20: roll = 15
if elev != 0:
F_height = height - elev
B_height = height + elev
hip_offset = asin(elev / 49)
F_height = height
B_height = height
hip_offset = 0
F_height_slew = sqrt((F_height * F_height) + (slew * slew))
B_height_slew = sqrt((B_height * B_height) + (slew * slew))
if roll != 0:
F_L_height = F_height_slew - roll
F_R_height = F_height_slew + roll
B_L_height = B_height_slew - roll
B_R_height = B_height_slew + roll
F_L_height = F_height_slew
F_R_height = F_height_slew
B_L_height = B_height_slew
B_R_height = B_height_slew
F_L_knee = acos(1 - ((F_L_height * F_L_height) / 5000))
F_R_knee = acos(1 - ((F_R_height * F_R_height) / 5000))
B_L_knee = acos(1 - ((B_L_height * B_L_height) / 5000))
B_R_knee = acos(1 - ((B_R_height * B_R_height) / 5000))
F_L_hip = (F_L_knee / 2) + atan(slew / F_L_height) + hip_offset
F_R_hip = (F_R_knee / 2) + atan(slew / F_R_height) + hip_offset
B_L_hip = (B_L_knee / 2) + atan(slew / B_L_height) + hip_offset
B_R_hip = (B_R_knee / 2) + atan(slew / B_R_height) + hip_offset
F_L_hip = degrees(F_L_hip)
F_R_hip = degrees(F_R_hip)
F_L_knee = degrees(F_L_knee)
F_R_knee = degrees(F_R_knee)
B_L_hip = degrees(B_L_hip)
B_R_hip = degrees(B_R_hip)
B_L_knee = degrees(B_L_knee)
B_R_knee = degrees(B_R_knee)
if F_L_hip > 175: F_L_hip = 175
if F_R_hip > 175: F_R_hip = 175
if B_L_hip > 175: B_L_hip = 175
if B_R_hip > 175: B_R_hip = 175
if F_L_hip < 5: F_L_hip = 5
if F_R_hip < 5: F_R_hip = 5
if B_L_hip < 5: B_L_hip = 5
if B_R_hip < 5: B_R_hip = 5
if F_L_knee > 175: F_L_knee = 175
if F_R_knee > 175: F_R_knee = 175
if B_L_knee > 175: B_L_knee = 175
if B_R_knee > 175: B_R_knee = 175
if F_L_knee < 5: F_L_knee = 5
if F_R_knee < 5: F_R_knee = 5
if B_L_knee < 5: B_L_knee = 5
if B_R_knee < 5: B_R_knee = 5
FL_knee.angle = 180 - F_L_knee
FL_hip.angle = 180 - F_L_hip
FR_knee.angle = F_R_knee
FR_hip.angle = F_R_hip
BL_knee.angle = 180 - B_L_knee
BL_hip.angle = 180 - B_L_hip
BR_knee.angle = B_R_knee
BR_hip.angle = B_R_hip
""" MAIN CODE """
time_delay = 0.3
scale = 1
h = 0 # starting laying down
s = 0 # starting with feet direcly under hips
e = 0 # starting with body level on elevation
r = 0 # starting with body level on roll
time.sleep(time_delay *2) # start delay
for h_bar in range(0, 650, scale): # start position from lay
servo_drive(h, s, e, r)
time.sleep(time_delay / 100)
time.sleep(time_delay *1)
h = 65
while True:
Ax, Ay = Acc()
if Ax > 5: e += 4 # Needs fine adjustment with fractions
elif Ax > 4: e += 3
elif Ax > 3: e += 2
elif Ax > 2: e += 1
elif Ax > 1: e += 0.5
elif Ax < -5: e -= 4
elif Ax < -4: e -= 3
elif Ax < -3: e -= 2
elif Ax < -2: e -= 1
elif Ax < -1: e -= 0.5
if Ay > 2: r += 1
elif Ay > 1: r += 0.5
elif Ay <-2: r -= 1
elif Ay <-1: r -= 0.5
if h > 95: h = 95
if h < 5: h = 5
if s < -33: s = -33
if s > 33: s = 33
if e < -20: e = -20
if e > 20: e = 20
if r < -20: r = -15
if r > 20: r = 15
servo_drive(h, s, e, r)